Product Visualization


What is Product

 Visualization and

 3D Product



Product visualization allows sales representatives or other buying audiences to configure, price, and quote a product visually, simplifying the configuration process for complex products. Images, options, and prices change dynamically based user selections, creating an immersive shopping experience

Six signs that it’s time for 3D product visualization

If you are still trying to decide whether 3D product visualization is the right choice for your business, here are the telltale signs that adopting 3D technology can help simplify processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. 


·        1  You are struggling with high visualization costs - Traditional product photography can be quite expensive and time-consuming, especially if you want to showcase a wide range of your product variations. By using 3D visualization, you can create thousands of product variations without having to produce furniture in different colors, fabrics, and finishes.

·        2  You want to provide assets for your retail network - The more your retailer network sells, the more you’ll sell. The best way to support them in that endeavor is to equip them with high-quality visual assets that they can leverage throughout the furniture buyer journey.

·        3  You are seeking ways to create a futureproof visual assets library - In a world full of visuals and rich content, having a product visualization strategy is a must. Furniture brands must be aware that building a high-quality, futureproof asset library will make the difference between success and failure. As we step into the new decade, 3D commerce will be completely mainstream and play an integral part in the success of the vast majority of furniture manufacturers by powering more immersive experiences and visualization use cases.

·        4  You want to strengthen your brand image - If you are working on strengthening your brand image and unifying brand experience across channels, 3D product visualization is your best bet, as it offers versatile use cases that can improve your brand positioning and help you stay ahead of the competition.

·        5  You are preparing for B2B e-commerce - Even though furniture e-commerce was exclusive to retailers, things are starting to change. The modern B2B buyer is a digital native, data-driven, and self-reliant decision-maker. This emphasizes the importance of your online presence, as your sales reps have little chance to change the mind of a well-informed business buyer. If you are considering ways to step up your game, 3D commerce can help 6 6 6 you create the best online shopping experience.

You plan to test the DTC business model - Over the past few years, brands have increasingly embraced the direct-to-consumer (DTC) business model alongside traditional retail. Shipping products directly to buyers without relying on traditional stores or other middlemen allows DTC companies to sell their products at lower costs than traditional consumer brands and to maintain end-to-end control over the production, marketing, and distribution of products. This means that they need to create a rich online shopping experience, and the best way to do so is with 3D product visualization.

Rubik cube 3D models


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